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Baby massage options


​60 min - $60.00


90 min - $80.00


Single massage lesson

- at your place -

Massage lessons packages

​- at your place - ​



4 massages x 60 min - $200.00


4 massages x 90 min - $280.00



Massage lessons packages for groups (max. 3 adults)  - at my place -



4 massages x 60 min - $160.00


4 massages x 90 min - $240.00



Colic relief massage lesson

- at your place -


40 min - $45.00

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Engagement cues

When babies want to intercat with other people, they will instinctively look, move and maike noise in specific ways.


What you will see:

* Eyes wide and bright

* Lenghty looking at your face

* Turning eyes or head towards you

* Smiling, cooing, babbling, talking

* Smooth movements of arms and legs

* Reaching out to you


What you can do: using these cues, your baby is asking you to help him or her learn more about you and the new world. At first, your baby will be content just looking at your face and listening to your voice. Later, he or she will want to play more complicated games.

Enjoy this time together, but be prepared to watch for signs that your baby might be tired. Being engaged with you is a hard work!

Disengagement cues

When babies need a break, either for a moment or a nap, they will use a different set of movements and noises to make sure you know it.


What you will see:

* Frowning, squirming or kicking

* Pulling away, with the hand to the mouth

* Turning head or eyes away

* Yawning, coughing, spitting up, vomiting

* Pulling at clothes

* Falling asleep


What you can do: let your baby take a break! Stop what you were doing, and reduce stimulation in the environment that might have been too much for the baby. Pay close attention and see if your baby is happy with a short break or needs a longer one.

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In touch with my baby

   Caresses pour mon bébé                         Caricias para mi bebe


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